Lady Liberty, hot dogs, and etc.
A sure sign that you live in a blighted, low income area is that there are a number of income tax preparers around. In our neighborhood it is Liberty Tax. Unsurprisingly, there are eight of these in Norfolk, the Queen City of Blight and Low Income. It is well known that these tax prep places are basically loan shark operations preying on poor and underbanked areas. I think a while ago I linked to this fine Mother Jones piece about this , it is worth reading. I think it is very possible to live in certain enclaves in American and not think much about tax prep places like this. It sure isn't possible in a place like Hampton Roads. My question is how the dudes dressed as Lady Liberty gyrating next to busy intersections make people want to go in these places. I see this everyday when I drive to and from work, a man (always a man) with headphones on, dressed in green robes, gyrating. Why does this work? Do the dancers share the gowns? Liberty Tax is proud of the dancers. ...