The Taco in Globalized Appalachia

This weekend I was really happy to be invited to be part of the 3rd Annual Appalachian Food Summit in Berea, Kentucky, put on by Grow Appalachia.  The whole program was very interesting.

The AFS is a young and growing organization dedicated to sustainable food traditions in Appalachia, and it draws a very diverse group of academics, activists, organizers, farmers, and others.

I talked about tacos in globalized and Latinized Appalachia. It's is a topic about which I am passionate, as you might guess, especially since it connects many of the areas of my research with a very basic love of tacos. And a research project for which I really sacrificed for by driving 1500 miles through Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina seeking out (and eating) the very best tacos available.

The winner on this leg of the taco accounting in the mountains are these fine tacos from a taco truck in Toast, North Carolina

My plan someday is to right the definitive guide to the Appalachian taco from Georgia north. I'm sure you will agree that this is a project that needs doing...


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