Like anyone with a tiny bit of brain I am appalled and angry at the greed and venality of the AIG bonus payments. Stupid, unfair, likely criminal, yes, yes, yes, all of these things. "It's an outrage". The word "outrage" Obama and his many underlings trotted out today is so overused as to become hackneyed (Politicians love to parade their outrage. Try reading about events in the 1880s, "outrages" were declared on an excessive, near-daily basis. I was in fact just writing about that earlier today). Robert Reich, generally good for a quip, had the best solution : the feds should finally just take over AIG, cut it up, and give the worthless parts away to either Fox News or North Korea. Truthfully, though, isn't this whole Monday morning mini-shit storm just a red herring? A diversion from what truly ails us? Like all such media storms, it will be replaced with some other issue for the talking heads in a few days, and the mouthing of faux popu...