I haven't spent much time adjusting back to life in the U.S. since I've been too busy. Part of 'adjusting" means "unpacking" but that is taking a back seat to everything else going on. I spent several days driving around Appalachia taking pictures, then spent over a week doing research at the National Archives. That was taking pictures too, since the fastest and cheapest way to copy the documents is to photograph them. Its been a whirlwind, which is the main reason that Nunal has not inched forward. I've been taking pictures of the Latino re-creation of social space in Appalachian communities. I found some great images, and, nor unimportantly, got to eat some great food on the way. I think the best taco I had in Virginia so far is at the La Mexicana taqueria in Rocky Mount, which is a little town south of Roanoke. A close second was a taco truck parked in a strip mall in Manasass. The best tamale by far was from Taqueira Gonzalaz in Asheville, NC. H...