You can buy counterfeit goods absolutely everywhere, especially things like Adiddas track suits and Gucci bags and so on.
North Face is a popular brand in Korea, so it is ripped off all of the time. Some of the North Face jackets sold on the street look exactly like the real thing, though they are only 10,000 won.
I think I may have mentioned some of the most common counterfeits which use the same font and logo but different words. You see "The Kusa Mountain" a lot. There is a store called "The Red Face" which has the same logo.
Over at Dongdademun flea market, I just saw a couple new ones. One was "The Full Rushhour" which is weird but interesting.
This one, however, by far took the cake:
North Face is a popular brand in Korea, so it is ripped off all of the time. Some of the North Face jackets sold on the street look exactly like the real thing, though they are only 10,000 won.
I think I may have mentioned some of the most common counterfeits which use the same font and logo but different words. You see "The Kusa Mountain" a lot. There is a store called "The Red Face" which has the same logo.
Over at Dongdademun flea market, I just saw a couple new ones. One was "The Full Rushhour" which is weird but interesting.
This one, however, by far took the cake: