We are heading down to Busan to see life at the south end of Korea and have been looking for a suitable hotel. It turns out to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated.

For one, the hotels are surprisingly expensive. Or, more accurately, they are more than I had fooled myself into thinking they would be. Busan is not just a major port, it is a beach destination. So the prices follow those of important business and recreation places. And on the weekends the prices are 50-75 bucks more a night. Fortunately we can go in the middle of the week.

Once we got beyond price though, it is just hard to find a place that seemed right. I was sorely tempted by this hotel, the melodiously named Load Beach Hotel (starting at only $58 a night from asianrooms.com)

The outside looked promising:

In the official pictures the rooms looked...interesting. The placement of the couch is what sells me.

But it didn't fly. We will be spending our Monday evening at another fine Busan establishment we found after only a few hours or searching.


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