There are street vendors all over the place, selling food on cardboard laid on the sidewalks. Many sell the usual street junk (hats, gloves and so on) and others sell vegetables, nuts, fruit, or fish.

I always thought that maybe these were farmers come into sell direct, or fisherman selling their own catch. But that was until I saw (as a woman unpacked in Sinchon) that the fish is actually coming frozen in boxes which say, in English, made in China. That surprised me.

There are many street vendors selling hot corn on the cob too. I saw one guy unpacking a box which said, in English, "steamed corn, made in China". I thought that most of the corn looked tired but was surprised to learn it was cooked and shipped that way.

There are an incredible number of street vendors making food. I've been taking pictures of them and will post them sometime soon. I've been reading a lot about the appropriation of "loose space" in cities, and these vendors definitely fit the bill in some interesting ways.


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