The 80s are alive and well in Korea in pop culture with the fashions and the embrace of break dancing, and, as noted here before, with the move to make florescent cloned cats. At least I am assuming that was done to bring back day-glo style.

But now the always competitive Chinese have closed the florescent cloned animal gap with a florescent green cloned pig. Since pigs are incredibly close to people genetically speaking, that means that green florescent people are potentially soon to come.

Which means that if the Korean and Chinese scientists get together, you will be able to make a red and green cloned mini-me for Christmas next year as a gift, perhaps.

(p.s., while searching around for more on the genetic wonders happening today, I happened on a site called "Genetic Engineering, a Site for Kids from Tiki the Penguin. This is a tad strange, is it not?


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