Blogging will be light or nonexistent for the next few days, as I am off to the American Studies Association of Korea annual meeting early in the a.m. The meeting is taking place in Songisan. This is a mountainous area (Paekdu Mountains) a few hours south of Seoul, it is supposed to be stunningly beautiful. There is one of the most impressive Buddhist temples in the country there too. I am looking forward to it.
Americans don't get riled up to protest. Give away billions in taxpayer money to financial fatcats with no accountability--no worries. Refuse to punish war criminal torturers--no problem. The battle cry is...moo. Koreans, on the other hand, live in a vibrant democracy and their political action is a bit more direct. Here is a striking photo of union protesters in Daejeon using sharpened bamboo spears to attack riot police. (an article about the current state of rioting in Korea, quoting a Sogang professor, is here )
I wish to request more photos of Baby Buddah/Lark.
-Kristi Glasier