In lieu of detailed analysis of Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's multiple personal and professional failings and the connections between his core venality, greed, and duplicity and his deeply held religious convictions honed at Regent University here in Virginia Beach, of all godforsaken places, Nunal offers this possible soundtrack to his morality play: Horatiu Radulesco's String Quartet No. 5, "before the Universe was Born"
Americans don't get riled up to protest. Give away billions in taxpayer money to financial fatcats with no accountability--no worries. Refuse to punish war criminal torturers--no problem. The battle cry is...moo. Koreans, on the other hand, live in a vibrant democracy and their political action is a bit more direct. Here is a striking photo of union protesters in Daejeon using sharpened bamboo spears to attack riot police. (an article about the current state of rioting in Korea, quoting a Sogang professor, is here )