I've been not posting much, but it has been a busy summer. (Of course I'll have nothing but time when the twins arrive...) This month I have really had the pleasure of engaging the two major aspects of my interests in history and music.

Currently I'm at a Society of Ethnomusicology NEH Institute at Wesleyan University for a couple of weeks. Since this is the epicenter of the study of ethnomusicology it is a huge honor to be here. The scale of the program both intellectually and in terms of infrastructure for the ensembles is really astounding and enviable.

The focus is on ethnomusicology and global culture, so it is pretty exactly in line with my interests, and it has been a lot of fun too. A truly astounding bunch of scholars here too, I am really pleased to have the opportunity to spend time with them and learn from them. Here are a few photos Wesleyan put up on its page.

Then of course my major interest is in American foreign relations, and I just got back to Wesleyan from another typically fascinating time at the annual SHAFR meeting. This year the very positive trend of greater temporal and topical diversity in the panels has continued.

I chaired a roundtable called “Bringing the Law Back In: New Approaches to the History of the U.S. in the World” where we discussed some new approaches and our new research. It was a nice opportunity for me talk about my new book, which I was happy to hear people have begun reading. I am getting a longer description of the roundtable together and when it is ready I will post it.


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