I was really thrilled to get a copy of my book in the mail the other day. It is not officially out yet but I guess this is the early printing. The press tells me it will be distributed within six weeks, right on time.

Of course I am really excited. It is hard to really capture what it feels like to have a book out after so long working on it. Better yet when people actually read it. Since it is coming out in paperback I have hopes that people will actually read it too. Not exactly going to be sold in airport bookstores, but this book sho8uld be interesting in lots of diverse ways my first one apparently might not have been (though, I must say, it was not bad!).

Of course the delay in distribution should not stop you from ordering it today on Amazon!

Actually, my book is already up in full on Google books, which is kind of amazing and ever-so slightly freaky.

I definitely can't complain--I've read a lot of new books on Google books as well as all manner of 19th works. I consider it a totally invaluable resource. Often if a book seems interesting enough from perusing it on Google I'll buy it but no way I could buy all of the books I used on the site. That is how it is supposed to work, of course, though I suspect it does not always.

Google books is a godsend for people toiling at institutions with terrible libraries, maybe the greatest single leveling force (and joining such pioneering sites as SSRN and the UW-Madison's FRUS site).

So, my book can be read for free there and it is hard to complain, especially if you believe in the free flow of information. I am certain that being on Google books increases exposure for books exponentially, especially academic titles.

So there is it, go buy several copies for your and your friends and read it in whatever form. Come on in, the water is warm.


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