Today I got the following announcement of this upcoming banjo and fiddle workshop in Norfolk (see below).

What struck me was the choice of venue. This is just three blocks away from where the Maury High School football player was murdered two days ago (headline: "'He'll always be a starter' for Maury" )

Psst--don't tell Ken Perlman and Alan Jabbour or all the hapless banjo players out there:


2-4PM 7:30PM
suggested donation of $20 for each event
430 W. 31ST STREET, NORFOLK, VA 23508
Parking in rear of church & across the street
please arrive a half hour early

Ken Perlman
"The Heifetz of the Banjo"
The Chronicle Herald (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
Superb instrumentalist, acclaimed teacher of instrumental skills,
gifted performer, award-winning folklorist, Ken Perlman is surely a
welcome addition to any festival or concert-series lineup. Ken is
both a pioneer of the 5-string banjo style known as "melodic
clawhammer," and a master of fingerstyle guitar. He is considered one
of the top clawhammer players in the world, known in particular for
his skillful adaptations of Celtic tunes to the style. On guitar,
Ken's sparkling finger-picked renditions of traditional Celtic and
Southern fiddle tunes are simply not to be missed. He draws his
material from traditional sources -- the music of Scotland, Ireland,
Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island and the American South. His
approach to the music, however, is highly innovative. He has
developed many new instrumental techniques, and much of his
repertoire has never before been played on 5-string banjo or guitar.
Around the folk scene, Ken is often referred to as a musician's=2
0musician -- a player whose style is so accomplished and unique that
other musicians go out of their way just to hear him.
Ken is an acclaimed teacher of folk-music instrumental skills. He has
written some of the most widely respected banjo and guitar
instruction books of modern times, and he has been on staff at
prestigious teaching festivals around the world. He has also served
as director, or co-director for several banjo and music-instructional
camps, including American Banjo Camp, Banjo Camp North. Bath Banjo
Festival, Maryland Banjo Academy, Midwest Banjo Camp, Northeast
Heritage Music Camp, and Suwannee Banjo Camp.
Also an active folklorist, Ken has spent over a decade collecting
tunes and oral histories from traditional fiddle players on Prince
Edward Island in eastern Canada. Two outgrowths of his research are a
tune book called The Fiddle Music of Prince Edward Island and a two-
CD anthology of field recordings called The Prince Edward Island
Style of Fiddling (Rounder Recordings). In 1997 and '98, each of
these works received awards from the Prince Edward Island Heritage
Foundation for helping to "preserve, interpret, and disseminate our
province's fiddling heritage."

Alan Jabbour

Alan Jabbou r was born in 1942 in Jacksonville, Florida. A violinist
by early training, he put himself through college at the
University of Miami playing classical music. While a graduate
student at Duke University in the 1960s, he began documenting
oldtime fiddlers in the Upper South. Documentation turned to
apprenticeship, and he relearned the fiddle in the style of the Upper
South from musicians like Henry Reed of Glen Lyn, Virginia, and Tommy
Jarrell of Toast, North Carolina. He taught a repertory of oldtime
fiddle tunes to his band, the
Hollow Rock String Band, which was an important link in the
instrumental music revival in the

After receiving his Ph.D. in 1968, he taught English, folklore, and
ethnomusicology at UCLA in 1968-69. He then moved to
Washington, D.C., for over thirty years of service with Federal
cultural agencies. He was head of the Archive of Folk Song at the
Library of Congress 1969-74, director of the folk arts program at the
National Endowment for the Arts 1974-76,
and director of the
American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress 1976-99. Since
his retirement, he has turned enthusiastically to a life of
writing, consulting, lecturing, and playing the fiddle.


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