I am heading to Buffalo early in the a.m. for a several day long symposium. I'll be presenting my research on Latinization of space and place in the Blue Ridge and showing a lot of photographs from North Carolina and Virginia. The other guys involved will be Charles McNair, Lance Ledbetter from Dust-to-Digital records and Art Rosenbaum, artist, banjo player, and field recorder. Lance and Art were both profiled in the New Yorker this past summer.

Yes, it is quite humbling and exciting to be in such company.

I have been enormously impressed by Dust-to-Digital since it started, both with their collections and also their amazing packaging. They have taken a lot of my money, that is for sure, but all well spent. I used to listen to Art's banjo records from the Madison public library many years ago. I am really looking forward to meeting all of these guys.


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