I am also reading Obama's site, I must say that his announced positions are quite a bit more specifically laid out than McCain's. There may be no fewer platitudes when all is said and done, but there is definitely more data. The design is better too, but you would expect that.

Obama's site also has the issues pull down list in alphabetical order. You are likely thinking, well of course, this seems kind of logical. Even "eloquent," to use McCain's code word. Yes, it is true, Obama's webpage is eloquent. He has deployed basic grammar and other high falutin' stuff.

McCain issues skirt this fancy-panted alphabetizing and his pull down menu is instead ordered, I am guessing wildly, by signficance.

I wonder if this importance changes. Did "Economic Plan" go up a few notches (to the #2 slot) when it turns out that the poorly regulated but most significant banks in the United States were essentially playing dice? Why is "Government Reform" almost at the end of the list? Why is "National Security" second to last, just above "Decision Center" Does John McCain not care about national security? Why are "Fighting Crime" and "Human Dignity and Life" given higher billing than national security? Why is "Second Amendment" below "Fighting Crime"? What about the armed, polite society and the cold dead fingers and all of that?

Who thought it was a good idea to adopt chaos theory to organize the webpage? Geez, the first lady is a librarian too.

Actually, the McCain "Decision Center" is worth visiting, if only to get a taste of the tone of the very most official McCain campaign. The two candidates are compared side by side. It is really very helpful. I hadn't realized, for example, that McCain was running against Satan himself. The language is really quite over the top, as if actual policy differences are not enough unless delivered with a sneer:

for instance: "Obama says he will retreat from Iraq no matter what the situation on the ground is, and no matter what advice he receives from military commanders."

Obama's site says: "The removal of our troops will be responsible and phased, directed by military commanders on the ground and done in consultation with the Iraqi government. Military experts believe we can safely redeploy combat brigades from Iraq at a pace of 1 to 2 brigades a month that would remove them in 16 months. That would be the summer of 2010 – more than 7 years after the war began."

The Decision Center tells us that McCain is for energy independence while Obama is for...I am not sure, but here is what it says: "Obama voted for the same policies that created the problem."

I could keep going, but you get the drift.

I was struck that on the main photo on McCain's site it is actually Palin who is most prominent. They are standing at a podium and the picture is taken from an angle that places McCain slightly behind her.

One curiosity on Obama's site is the push to personalize it at "my.barakobama.com. That is all well and good, but the page abbreviates it just below so it has a button on which is written "go to MyBO".


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