A friend of mine sent me this link to the first picture taken of a machete, the Portuguese instrument which is the forerunner to the ukulele. (I didn't know that either, but poke around a bit (maybe here or here or here) and it does seem true)
This means that my daughter plays a machete, even if it looks like a pink ukulele.*
the picture:
What makes this picture especially interesting is that the girl on the left is Alice Liddell, the model for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
What makes viewing Alice in Wonderland holding a machete especially interesting today of all days is that we have seemed to have stepped through the mirror in terms of our financial future in the US. But that is another story.
*and by "play the ukulele" at this tender age I mean she can hold onto it and chase the dog with it, wave it around and scream, and hit it against the floor while grinning wildly. All part of the process.
This means that my daughter plays a machete, even if it looks like a pink ukulele.*
the picture:

What makes this picture especially interesting is that the girl on the left is Alice Liddell, the model for Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland.
What makes viewing Alice in Wonderland holding a machete especially interesting today of all days is that we have seemed to have stepped through the mirror in terms of our financial future in the US. But that is another story.
*and by "play the ukulele" at this tender age I mean she can hold onto it and chase the dog with it, wave it around and scream, and hit it against the floor while grinning wildly. All part of the process.