We have been meaning to eat at this grilled eel (kwang oh) restaurant not far from out house for awhile now and finally got around to it. I wish we had discovered it earlier, it is yet another great restaurant that I would happily eat at every night for the rest of my life.

There are a lot of those restaurants here...

This is different than Japanese style unagi as the sauce is red pepper based rather than bar-b-que, and it is a different style grilled eel than we have had here. At this place the eel is killed fresh and served cooked, and rather than have it grilled over charcoal as we have had here usually, it is served cooked and you keep it on a grill to crispen. Perfect. We had this style eel in Busan a few months ago but this restaurant hopped it up a level.

Lark was sitting at the table with us and enjoying herself (note the hair), though no eel just yet for her.

One of the great things about this restaurant is that is inexpensive and has big "potations".

But the greatest thing has to be the frequent eel eating card, which gives you a free eel after only 20 eels eaten. With two weeks left, we can do this thing if we are focused.


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