$14.3 Million Buddha
This answers a question that I had about the wealth of Buddhism in Japan (which did seem apparent in the size and maintenance of the temples)
Tokyo Temple Bought $14.3 Million Buddha - New York Times
Tokyo Temple Bought $14.3 Million Buddha - New York Times
A Buddhist temple in suburban Tokyo revealed itself on Tuesday as the buyer that paid $14.3 million for an 800-year-old cypress wood sculpture of Buddha at a Christie’s auction in New York last week, Agence France-Presse reported. The Shinnyo-en temple said it bought the sculpture of the Dainichi Nyorai, or supreme Buddha, above, with donations from the faithful because it did not want the icon to fall into foreign hands. The sale set a record for a piece of Japanese art and exceeded the sculpture’s presale estimates of $1.5 million to $2.5 million.