I was walking up to Seoul Station and in the plaza in front of the station happened on this elderly duo singing old Southern gospel favorite "Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?" in Korean. I was excited, I like this song.
The footage is terrible because it is on my digital camera, and I was walking and not actually trying to get anything but the sound:
I filmed them as I walked up and then I turned to actually get them clearly only to step into a puddle deep enough to consume my foot and ankle.
There may be "a fountain flowing for the soul unclean," and this may have been a sign, but mostly it was a drag because it was cold out and my foot was wet. And then, cursing my fate in a non demominational sort of way, I forgot to turn the camera back on and missed the rest of the song. In this case, foot washing was not as welcome as soul cleansing might have been.
Directly behind those washed in the blood was this passed out bum:

You don't see this too often in Seoul, at least in most of the city. For a second, I almost felt like I was back in the US of A.
The footage is terrible because it is on my digital camera, and I was walking and not actually trying to get anything but the sound:
I filmed them as I walked up and then I turned to actually get them clearly only to step into a puddle deep enough to consume my foot and ankle.
There may be "a fountain flowing for the soul unclean," and this may have been a sign, but mostly it was a drag because it was cold out and my foot was wet. And then, cursing my fate in a non demominational sort of way, I forgot to turn the camera back on and missed the rest of the song. In this case, foot washing was not as welcome as soul cleansing might have been.
Directly behind those washed in the blood was this passed out bum:

You don't see this too often in Seoul, at least in most of the city. For a second, I almost felt like I was back in the US of A.