Another holiday, another Buddhist shrine

This one is in our neighborhood as it turns out.

Beautiful clear and cold day, nice new years day for a walk.

Many things are closed today, we were kind of surprised. So, we walked over to the Yonsei Univ campus, which is huge and very nice, running up a big hill, and connecting up to hiking paths and a mountain park. It also links up with a hilly path we often are on, only we just figured out how today by following it through to the end.

Midday way through the day we happened on this Buddhist shrine. The Buddha is a gold and quite striking in the winter woods as we approached it. The statue faces west and the afternoon sun streamed through it. Though it is an unusual looking Buddha in my book, not as placid as some.

the family on new years.

Here was a guy praying very melodiously at a little box to the right of the Buddha

And a spring with plastic dippers in front. The mountain is riddled with springs.

Up the hill, toward the crest of the mountain, is another, larger spring. This one has frozen over.

It really is a nice thing to be able to walk in the woods in the neighborhood, a nice respite from always busy Seoul.

On the walk down we went north and ended up at the Seodaemun Natural history museum. Walking down the hill from there brings us by this little church, which I think is a Greek Orthodox one perhaps. It definitely stands out, whatever denomination it is.

Though the lil Buddha seemed to prefer the new experience in the jumper than the walk to the Buddha.


Bryan said…
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Bryan said…
very cute kid. almost gives mine a run for they money.

-bryan of snakes, etc

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