The Korean public response to Little Miss Lark is really quite interesting, and it continues to develop as we venture further afield. The most people we have seen gathered around her at any one time is 7, at a traffic light waiting for a walk signal.

These are people from all walks of life too, not just people of child bearing age who happen to have baby interests at this time or older women, which might be expected. Business men in suits comment on her, college kids, bus drivers all say hello and give big goofy grins.

Today a toothless homeless man had to be restrained from, apparently, giving her a big smooch.

Another man took a picture of her with his cell phone. That would have seemed weird in the states, but was not so weird here for some reason we can;t quite explain.

A Buddhist monk named Jeung Hae was so moved by her that he gave us his cell phone number so I could call him when we visit Busan and his temple outside the city. He was a ncie guy. Fluent in English and also in Spanish. He said she is a "little Buddha." Maybe that is something you say about all little babies. You be the judge. Below is a photo of Lark, resplendent in cherries, and this is the Buddha today at Jogyesa Buddhist Shrine, resplendent in gold.

Lark (aka "Little Buddha")

Buddha (aka "Buddha")

This temple actually has three huge and and very impressive Buddhas, it is a striking place. It is an active temple, there were some very heavily attended services there this evening. You can get an idea of the scale by looking at the people in the picture.

Here is a shot of the three Buddhas

The temple building is also beautiful, in that very colorful and ornate Korean style. It is one of the largest buildings in Korea, incidentally. There is, of course, a sign noting this. I was interested to notice that there were actually security cameras in the corners of the roof. I guess karma is not enough to keep people from with fooling with the temple.

The services were quite moving to hear, though I have no idea what was said. I have heard Buddhist chants before, but they have a much different impact when you hear them at dusk in a temple with huge buddhas, dense packed red lights hanging from the ceiling, bells gonging, and other sounds of worship. I am glad to have had the opportunity to experience it.


B said…
Awwww.... We demand more Lark pix!

Interestingly, in Vietnam, which is kinda in your neighborhood, it's really taboo to fuss over a baby for fear of alerting the evil spirits to its presence. Apparently this is a Vietnamese thing, not an Asian thing.

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