Blogging has been light over this past weekend just because it was so action packed there was no time to to sit in front of this infernal machine.

On Friday I had the distinct pleasure of meeting and having lunch with Bo Hyung Lee, a Professor Emeritus of History from Sogang, and the individual who started the study of American history in Korea. For a time, he was the only American historian in Korea, and he is the author of what was the most widely used textbook on American history in Korea. He is still an remarkably sharp man, it was a very interesting lunch discussing various questions on everything from the Civil War to empire he posed to me and my Sogang colleague Donald, who graciously invited me along to lunch. Professor Lee helped launch ASAK, the American Studies Association of Korea, which hosts a conference in two weeks. I will be presenting at this conference on extraterritoriality and will be posting about it when the time comes.

Then, Friday night my day of feasting continued since there was a Fulbright meeting and dinner. Part of the meeting was a security briefing from the US embassy here. The officer told us to be unpredictable in our patterns. Looks like I am safe.

It is always fun to get a chance to meet the other people over here for a wide variety of projects. The problem is that there just isn't enough time to talk to everybody. It is always an welcome thing to be reminded just how many extremely smart people there are out there. One woman we sat with at dinner and enjoyed speaking with is here studying the anti-free trade agreement movement, and she has made some remarkable contacts in that protest movement. I am hoping to get better acquainted with the anti-globalization movement while I am over here, if possible. In the spring, when I am teaching a graduate class on globalization I definitely would like to do some Korea case studies.

Miss Lark was dressed in style for the dinner out:


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