Yesterday (Sunday) was a beautiful day, by far the nicest since I've been here. It was one of those warm fall days, barely a cloud in the sky and no humidity. A perfect day for a bike ride. I decided to start out on the hills behind my apartment. Here is a view:

I live in a nice neighborhood. As I think I mentioned before, this is unusual in that there are many large houses behind gates. Apparently, two former military dictators of Korea live in this neighborhood. I'd figured I'd get some good views up top of the hill and maybe even get to ride by the dictator's house.

No such luck. As I rode up the hills, I was surprised to come upon young men very sternly warning me not to proceed. They just came out to the center of the road and shook their heads. They didn't have visible weapons but they also were quite clearly not friendly, so I didn't push my luck. That was a surprise though.


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