I did want to post this one picture, of what has to be the best concept bar in the world: Judas or Sabbath.

When you think about it, this is about the only choice you need, no?

I am so glad this place exists, right in the heart of things too.This bar is over in Sinchon. I go by it all of the time but only got over there finally the other night.

It is an upstairs bar and it is smaller than it looks from the outside. The inside is simple- tables, walls covered with posters of metal bands, and then a screen on one wall. On that is projected footage of different bands. The stereo system is good, the music is loud, as it should be.

There were a decent number of young Korean guys playing air guitar as they drank their beers. There was one table of young Korean women playing air guitar too, which I must admit surprised me. In general, there was a lot of singing along,

One thing I have to say about Judas or Sabbath, maybe the most important thing, is that they know their metal and have impressively good taste and a nice collection of cds and DVDs. They only played the good stuff: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Judas (of course) Pantera, more Iron Maiden and yet more Maiden. I haven't listened to that much Iron Maiden in years, it was refreshing. Zero hair bands. No crap. They even played some relatively obscure death metal bands: Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death. I was impressed.


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