Through my neighborhood and continuing quite fa both north and southwest is a jogging and bike path alongside a little crick underneath a huge elevated highway. It is used fairly heavily.

There is also a long path alongside the Han river, which gives a nice view of the southside of Seoul

There are a lot of bicyclists and joggers on the path. Periodically there are exercise stations that are heavily used (with free weights, pull up bars, etc.) Overall, Seoul does seem pretty well set up for outdoor exercise despite the heavy traffic and crowds in parts of it.

Her eis a guy fishing with multiple poles:

The path runs right to the foot of what is called "Beheading mountain" which was both the ferry point in historic Seoul and, more directly, the place where Catholics were dispatched in the early days (hence the name).

There is an interesting garden of trees being held up by supports.

Here is a large statue of the first Catholic priest from Korea


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