The Seoul Times

Not a bad question to know the answer to:

What Does Coca Cola's Dasani Bottled Water Have in Common with Death by Lethal Injection?

The Seoul Times: "The third largest ingredient in Dasani is potassium chloride. If you are to be put death, first you get a barbiturate, then a paralytic agent, and then the chemical to stop your heart (what a coincidence!) you guessed it: potassium chloride! 'If you take everything out of the water, you don't get the crisp, clean taste that consumers desire,' was the sanguine comment of Kim Price, spokesman for Coca-Cola. Question from Student at Oregon State University: I just noticed potassium chloride was listed as an ingredient in some bottled waters (Dasani, for example). But I remember from Chemistry and other sources of information KCl is used for lethal injections and is often times hazardous... so why would it be in bottled water? "


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