Beach council rules Buddhists' cannot hold services in home | |

The City of Virginia Beach has decided that the Buddhist monks cannot continue to hold services in their house. But it has nothing to do with violating the free practice of religion. Nothing to see here, move along. Beach council rules Buddhists' cannot hold services in home | | "The City Council's decision had nothing to do with religion, Wood said. "In my opinion, it was a land-use issue, not a religious issue," he said. City Councilwoman Barbara Henley agreed. "I have no belief that the city is intolerant and that the people in the city are intolerant," she said." Oh, of course, it has absolutely nothing to do with religion to forbid worship practices on private property and there is just not a shred of intolerance in far-right Virginia Beach. The city is always concerned about careful and well-thought out land use. Just look at the sprawling wasteland of endless chainstore surburban sprawl and decaying and u...