Sushi lovers do well here. It is reason enough to come here in fact, you can save enough on each sushi meal to pay for the airfare. Since I can happily eat sushi each meal this is a good thing. At home, we limit ourselves to sushi once a month so we can eat our fill of it and still afford to still pay the mortgage.

I haven't had sushi for breakfast yet since that requires the operationally complex move of leaving the apartment early, but I have had flying fish roe for breakfast, since you can buy that in the market and take it home.

My Midwestern core finds eating flying fish roe for breakfast both exotic and delicious.

Sushi is, happily, everywhere. There are regular and/or fancy sit down places, sushi buffets, and, my favorite, the restaurants where you sit in front of a conveyor belt and grab sushi pieces as they come by. You simply pay by the number and color of the plate. I have eaten at that sort of place in Hawaii, but the overall quality here is a qualitative leap forward.

And even the Japanese sushi restaurants have a Korean flair, which means they serve each meal with an impossibly large amount of other food. You order the sushi and you also get a dozen side dishes of all varities. Some of the side dishes consist of an entire samchi--a whole mackerel.

There is some joke to be had about the whole mackerel but I am at a loss for it.

Unlike Americans, where tuna is king, Koreans consider the white fleshed fish to be the finest, so it is not uncommon to have sushi restaurants that only serve these white fishes.

Does this tell us that we in the states we have been snookered?

It is a good thing though if you like tuna since it means a) perhaps you are putting one over on them or b) confirmation that you are just another gringo, or c) all of the above).


B said… had me at "flying fish roe"! I'll be there in 14 hours.

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